What's New at WREN 1.19.21
How was your long weekend? Did you get out on the slopes, or adventure down snowy forested paths? During this wintry season, we can’t help but feel that quiet enchantment and promise of a new year starting to unfurl before us.
So what’s on the agenda this week at WREN? 1. Adding new items to our online store every single day. 2. Getting our online classes up and running. 3. Planning the grand return of Roundtable Wednesdays @ WREN. 4. Finalizing our brand-new rentable office space. 5. Happy dancing like there’s no tomorrow thanks to one very amazing notification from the NH Business Review.
If you’d like to read more than just the bullet points, get scrolling! We’ll see you next week…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 5cf1c75b-df6d-4adf-ac7a-29d779d7c40f.pngOver the past year or so, we’ve experienced the ups and downs of COVID, a big store makeover, an epic yard sale, a monumental basement renovation, and more. We thought we might have reached the pinnacle of wow-worthy moments, but then NH Business Reviewcontacted WREN last week to let us know something huge…
WREN is receiving the Advocate for Women’s Empowerment Award (AWE Award)!!!
This award honors an individual or organization that has made a lasting impact on the empowerment of women and girls in the state of New Hampshire. Girls Inc., Girls at Work, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains, and Girls on the Run are past AWE recipients.
As the 2021 AWE Award recipient, we are so incredibly thankful for this prestigious recognition from NH Business Review. Thank you, NH Business Review!
Do you want to celebrate with us? Attend the virtual 2021 Outstanding Women in Business Awards on February 11th! Event details available here: https://live.remo.co/e/2021-outstanding-women-in-busine/register.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fcd5e32b-51cd-444b-a9be-2a45559db041.pngLocal Works Marketplace and the Gallery at WREN will be closing at 4pm (rather than 5pm) on Thursday, 1/21. If you’d like to swing by for a bit of shopping, make sure to come in on the early side! Even better? Shop us online.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is d2823b8b-f590-46e9-a28b-118bf0a2a02d.pngHave you been missing our small business updates, as well as your online opportunities for community connection? Look no further than next Wednesday! Roundtable Wednesdays @ WREN are back after a holiday break, and we are so ready to jump back into it.
Join us on 1/27 @ 12pm for a rundown on all of the latest legislation affecting your small business. Ask questions about our upcoming classes, say hello to other WREN members, and start getting strategic about the year ahead.

Featuring Michele Cota, Special Assistant for Policy & Projects, Office of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Topic: Roundtable Wednesdays @ WREN: 1.27.21
Time: Jan 27, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94187035032?pwd=ZEJ5Q1FzN2pIQTNCMVVSSGc0dUN3UT09

Meeting ID: 941 8703 5032
Passcode: 325099

Dial by your location    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 941 8703 5032
Passcode: 325099
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adCWF04W3

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 9ea2b0c7-0299-4db5-b937-f0db9e5453fa.jpgOur downstairs office renovation is complete!
If you’ve found yourself in “work from home” land for the past few months and need a break from your living room couch, it’s time to think about renting an office space at WREN. We’ve got high speed internet, a shared kitchen and bathroom, free parking, and a very cozy office space to call your own for just $200 a month!
Interested? Please contact pams@wrenworks.org for additional information regarding this opportunity. 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 2173fe0b-8de8-44f0-b627-6594d71117a2.pngOur online classes are rolling out soon, so start saving some space in your February calendars!

2/9: “Pinterest for Your Small Business”
2/11: “Introduction to Photoshop”
2/16:Online Shopping Series Part I: “Pick Your Online Shopping Portal”
2/17: “iPhone Photography”
2/18: “Putting Your Professional Face Forward: An Artist’s Take”
2/23:Online Shopping Series Part II: “Shipping Options for Your Online Store”
2/24: “Looking at Your Google Analytics”
And more…

We’re still working on getting these classes posted online, but don’t worry: registration starts ASAP. 

Buy Me!Have you checked out our online offerings lately?
Our e-store is growing by leaps and bounds, and we’re so eager to show it off! Enamel earrings. Leather keychains. Herbal soap sets. Hand stamped copper cuffs. Woodland prints.
It’s all online and ready to buy, so show your support and shop local!
Pictured: Whimzi-Jewels Heart Earrings by Morse Hill Studios
Did you know that NH Grand is a program of WREN?
Whether you’re a local looking to learn more about your favorite region of the state, or you’re a traveler coming to New Hampshire’s North Country for the first time, don’t forget to visit the NH Grand website (and the town of Bethlehem’s website!) for all of your area information.
Love newsletters? NH Grand has one too! Sign up for the latest on all things tourism related by visiting https://www.nhgrand.com/ and scrolling to the bottom of the page. 
Do you have a special spot in your heart for the scenic town that WREN calls home? Sign up for Bethlehem, NH’s newsletter too while you’re at it! Visit: https://bethlehemnh.org/tourism-e-news/.
Thank you for supporting WREN and your community! WREN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit accepting donations year round. If you would like to show your care for the work we do, visit the “Donations” page on our website.Many thanks!

Partial funding for WREN’s courses and programs is made possible by theNH CDFA (Community Development Finance Authority) CDBG Program.

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